Friday, February 27, 2009

What’s New in ArcGIS Server 9.3.1

I just returned from the ESRI Petroleum User’s Group (PUG) conference in Texas. The buzz this year was a little lower than those of an anticipated major release. The featured release during this gathering was 9.3.1. As I mentioned in a previous post, nary a word was mentioned regarding Desktop, it was all about “Web GIS.” Given my professional interest in this platform, this was ok with me. While many of the demos highlighted the various development platforms including the JS and FLEX API’s, a few included new features in 9.3.1. Probably the most anticipated, at least for AGS users, is increased performance for dynamic map serving. As far as I could tell, implementation of this new feature is actually done via a tool designed to help optimize the map document. The demo illustrating this improvement included a side-by-side comparison of the same dynamically generated map service, one that had been “optimized” using the new optimization tool and one that hadn’t. Each map display included a timer depicting load times. Anecdotally, map services which had been “optimized” using the new tool loaded about 3 times as fast. The optimization tool, utilized in ArcMap during the demo, looked at characteristics of the map document including whether the projection of the data frame matched that of the data, whether any data links were missing, scale dependent rendering, symbol level drawing and a couple of others that I missed. The workflow for tool use included an iterative process of optimization and map service preview. The demo was good and even generated a fair amount of applause. However, if faster dynamic map generation centers on checking the characteristics I listed above, don’t hold your breath. It seems to me that most folks are already looking at these sorts of things.

Other features mentioned but not demoed in the 9.3.1 release included the ability to publish to AGS directly from ArcMap and integration of Virtual Earth base data (not Google) directly into the ESRI platform including ArcMap. There was also some discussion about the new sharing framework via ArcGIS Online. While some may say “not another one” this one features content sharing and discovery definitely designed for a GIS pro and not so much for general consumers. Other notable discussions included AGX build 900 and the notion of what ESRI is calling a layer package (not sure if this is 9.3.1 or 9.4). The layer package is simply of was of packages data and cartography for sharing purposes.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

2009 ESRI Petroleum User Group (PUG) Conference

Today is day two of the 2009 Petroleum User's Group conference. Yesterday featured the standard PUG fair including the usual ESRI plenary "dog and pony" show followed by some really good user presentations. Lead by Clint Brown, the tone of the plenary talks centered on "Web GIS." Highlights included ArcGIS 9.3.1 discussion, demos of the JS and FLEX APIs as well as some discussion about yet another sharing framework being designed via ArcGIS Online. To the dismay of a typically traditional GIS audience, it is clear that the focus of ESRI's R & D/future direction is "Web GIS." I'm not even sure if Desktop was even mentioned. The term "consumable" in the context of data and services was mentioned at least a dozen times with emphasis is user experience oriented towards the Google and VE patterns.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

JS vs Flex ArcGIS Server Sample Viewers

In recent weeks, ESRI has released 2 versions of a sample viewer application based on both their latest development platforms, the JS platform (released January 2009) and the Flex platform (released November 2008, updated February 2009). They both look and function similarly out of the box. Each features a icon oriented navigation bar based on various functional classes including maps, navigation, tools and resources. They both use REST based ArcGIS Server services both dynamically generated and cached very easily (although I was able to add ArcIMS Service Support to the Flex version without much hassle). Each features some pretty nice design patterns which allow developers to worry less about core functionality. Custom functions are implemented as "widgets" which function independently of the software core.

After tinkering with the Flex application for a few weeks and having a look at the JS version, I have a few impressions to share. First, they both use design patterns (Container Event Bus and Dependence Injection) that help decouple core functionality from custom functionality and really make it easy to extend. The flex viewer, based on Adobe's Opensource Flex 3.2 platform is very sexy and alleviates many cross-browser compatibility issues because of its required Flash plugin. Recently released as an opensource project, Flex offers a rich user experience with flashy graphical displays and fluid GUI performance. However, it requires an specific IDE based on the Eclipse IDE called Flex Builder which is rather pricey (ranging from $200.00 - $700.00). I have had the fortune of getting the IDE and have begun some "widget building" myself and have found it to be quite easy. I was able to construct a simple Map Navigation Widget in just a few days without any prior Flex development experience.While I haven't tinkered as much with the JS version, my initial impression is that it is also very slick and does not require a plugin. However, it's sex appeal is lacking a bit compared to the Flex version and it sounds as if (based on comments from the sample download blog) that it has some issues in IE 7.