I have been thinking about how Twitter could be used to enhance the capabilities/user experience of a web mapping system and came op with some decent stories. The first would be providing users with access to a feed dedicated to the application which contains information about it including updates, news, changes, downtimes, etc. The second would be users who wish to perform searches of Twitter content that may be related to the map and eventually, overlaying geolocated Tweets onto the map. These (and the fact that I just wanted to poke around the Twitter API) gave me enough of an excuse to start messing with the Twitter API. I ended up with a simple little widget that allows users to search for tweets within a specified geographic location, in this case, a circle. Nothing earth shattering but still maybe somewhat useful. Before giving you some of the nuts and bolts of this, I want to be sure and reference the materials I used:
- Flex Cookbook Entry: Display a Twitter Feed
- Flex Cookbook Entry: Accessing Resources CrossDomain
- Free Twitter Icons
- Custom Draw with Circle Tool
- Distance Calculations website
- Flex XML Syndication Tools
- Flex CoreLib Utility
It is really pretty simple. The user is able to draw a circle on the map and any tweets that originated from within that location based on the Twitter user's location property are returned as an ATOM Feed. The processes uses the Twitter API geocode parameter where a lat, long and radius of a circle are needed. The widget obtains the lat, long, and radius values from the circle tool. I added a coordinate transformation function to the Circle Tool component to convert the distance units (radius of the circle) to miles from decimal degrees. I used the Great Circle Distance Formula. The ATOM feed is parsed using the Flex XMLSyndication package and is validated using the Flex CoreLib Utility Package (see links above).
Proxy Server
As with any application making cross-domain asynchronous data requests, a proxy server is needed to "fool" the browser security settings. Flex has a nice framework for bypassing this. If the feed host contains a crossdomain.xml file that allows cross-domain access, you are good to go. However, Twitter locks this down (Twitter crossdomain.xml). I have included a proxy server implemented in Java within the package. It is NOT PRODUCTION quality but will get you started. There are other implementations that are easier out there. Have a look at the resources I sited for some other examples.
Known Issues and Limitations
Simply put, there are several limitations with this that make it, lets say, less than production quality. I hope to rectify these soon. These include:
- I haven't tested the feed results very well. The widget catches feeds that are empty which is good but the way I did this is kind of sloppy. I won't go into it here but if you have questions, I can elaborate.
- The coordinate transformation for the distance units (radius conversion from DD to miles) I am using is very rough but good enough for this use.
- It doesn't play very nicely with the map action and map navigation state of the Sample Flex Viewer (SFV). Given that the draw circle component wasn't designed for use with the SFV, it isn't integrated very well with the event driven model the SFV uses. Not to say it isn't a nice component because it is. Using it in the Sample Flex Viewer is just a bit of a stretch. There are alot of issues with this but from a use perspective, users have to keep clicking on the draw circle tool after each use and then state defaults back to the default map navigation (pan). Another problem is if the user trys to change the map action or map navigation state (by selecting another component that does so), during the middle of component use, bad things happen. One of the reasons for this is that I didn't want to make changes to the core by adding custom events, etc. However, I am hopeful that I can improve this without making changes to the core and will look into it.
- Improvement can be made to the tweet results listing (links to profile, user timeline, etc...).
- Alot of other testing needs to occur as well. Just running out of time right now.
Great development!
I liked the tool very much,
Thanks, I didn't know Twitter have a geocode API ?
didn't see it in their API page? can u give a link please?
Because i developed a Twitter application on Top of Google Earth and i'm facing problems with locations..
I am using the geocode parameter for the search api
It appears to be using the Google Geocoder.
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